Friday, August 12, 2005

It's a phone with a-peel. . . Bananaphone, Ring Ring Ring!

This is an email I sent to my best-friend tonight, in complete context, but since it was such a good summary of my life, I decided to repaste it as my blog for tonight. Enjoy!

To My Beloved Ian,

I told you, you had indicated that the hike was last week and we had a huge conversation about how I cannot do ANYTHING this Sunday because it is my last week in town. I am not going to be rude, but I am very aggravated that you do not remember the heated conversation we had in regards to this. In other words, NO, I can't go to church with you, or on a hike because I cannot go this Sunday which I already told you! I was not up for the hike when you LEFT. why would I be up for a hike I am not going to go on?

OK, I was just rude. I am very stressed, but it is no excuse. I am tired of people flaking on me, basically. Chris flaked on taking care of my tarantula. No, better description is that he flaked on hanging out with me, three nights in a row, so there is no way in hell I am trusting him with my baby Seneca.

I am hanging out with Mario this Saturday to have coffee or something, and that is very exciting.

Matt is toiling away my patience by insisting that I call him. I am not going to foot the phone bill again this year because he is too cheap himself. He can rot in hell for all I care. Come to think of it, he is, at West Point!

I have a huge bruise on my ass from cliff diving, which Dominic actually noticed before I did. Awkward that my brother was looking at my ass? I don't think so. Not in this house.

I finally got to access my CUmail account which was filled with 75 emails that told me what precise days water was going to be shut off in June, who had been chosen to be the new Dean of blah-di-blah-dah, and why the phones hadn't been working correctly on Creighton Campus for three weeks. Needless to say, they were all deleted.

I called your number today wondering if you had your new phone yet, I guess it is no luck.

Jacob had a blow out on the freeway thirty miles north of Alb. but was rescued by some Transportation Safety Inspector Guy who was doing his round right then and stumbled upon Jacob.

BTW, my church has always started at 10am.

I just thought you would like to know.

I am really broken hearted right now, crying my self to sleep and all that jazz. It's awful. I had to take my frogs to Tiffany's today which was an adventure to find because I never wrote down the directions and wasn't listening very well when she gave them to me to begin with. I was driving around Irving and Universe (west of Unser) asking myself, "Did she say two lefts and a right or second left, first right, or have I mixed up my lefts and rights completely?"

I had to be tested for Iron Deficiency today instead of going to donate blood. I guess we will see how that goes, eh?

Anyway, when do you get back? Alex is leaving Monday, so we have to steal at least one sign.

I am really pissed at Matt. What makes it worse is that I am pissed at myself for allowing myself to be pissed at Matt. How do you get pissed at someone who does not care in the slightest. I hate him is what it is. I gave him my heart and he fucked me and left me for dead. I hate him. I hate him more than my Father, who I am actually starting to get along with a little bit.

My horse got a hair cut yesterday, that was intense. I almost killed the goat after he attacked me. I am not kidding, (excuse the pun), I almost killed Billy because I just pulled him across the yard by his collar. Unfortunately, because he is so stubborn he kept pulling back meaning that he could not breath until I let go. I washed Godiva and fixed her eye snot problem. Chewie also got a bath and was really good about it.

Pibb got loose in the house today and ended up chilling with me and talking to Alex and Mario on the massage chair. He smells REALLY bad.

I guess I have digressed. I think I am just going to paste most of this into a blog for today.

Oh, I have the banana song by Raffi stuck in my head.

I hope you are well Ian. Beer Pong?


". . . I'll place a call around the world! Operator get me Bejing, jing, jing, jing!"


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