Thursday, August 04, 2005

Waiting on West Point

I suppose it is inevitable, we all learn lessons the hard way.

For the first time ever, I am not to blame for something going badly in a relationship, and it has given me a profound new freedom that I have never experienced before. I am not to blame. Just because someone was pig-headed enough not to even TRY to understand MY life after I dedicated my time to learning about THEIR life, does not make ME a bad person.

I am way ahead of you West Point, because I know better than to blame everything on others.

You tell me you might be able to call me back on the 7th or 8th and you wonder why it is not good enough? Did you ever listen? It is not good enough because I am throwing away my life waiting for you, and I am not going to do it. I am going to be out of town on the 7th and 8th, which you might have known, had you cared enough to ask whether or not it would be ok to talk to me then, but you didn't. Thus, I'll talk to you whenever it is good for me, not before then. Maybe then you will know what the last 3 years have been like for me. I hate you for treating me like a book. You can't just pick me up whenever you feel like and expect to leave off where you were.

By the way, I will not let you weigh me down, and I will not let you hold me back. I hope that you know how much I loved/love you, and what exactly you decided to throw away by being an jerk.

The sky is beautiful today. A whole new horizon. Yeah, I see the storming brewing, but I have zipped up my jacket, and I am ready to face the unknown.