Thursday, July 14, 2005

Jealous, the tale of an ex-best-friend

Ian and Nicki are always hanging out now. In addition, they are on the phone. And when they are not, Ian is at work, or I am at work, so I am just out of the picture.

It would not be so bad, but Ian has morphed into former-Ian/ Mutant of a friend. Everything is different, all that seems to happen is he gets on my nerves by just accepting his ancient role of distant friend. I mean, I have seen the boy naked for crying out loud, but I guess maybe that is the problem.

I not sure if I should just let the friendship slide, or keep hoping he'll come to his senses. Nicki isn't the problem, he is.

I am pissed.

I guess I am jealous to an extent. I took the relationship that Ian and I had for granted, because I thought it was some sort of amazingly honest friendship, but in truth, if he's not after me for a girlfriend, he's not there at all.

At least he is happy. I just can't believe I was so easily deceived.

Hey Alfred, I was best-friends with Two Face, so I guess you can just call me the Joker!

You wanna hear the ironic part? I tried to break off the friendship w/ Ian at the end of the school year, but we stuck together, best buds till the end, and he left me at the first available convenience. Well, screw that.

In addition, all during Christmas and anytime Ian needed anything I dropped everything to help him out. I ignored Kellen, Matt, Dominic, Ben, you name it, they got the shaft, because he needed help more than anyone else.

He left as soon as he was all right, he used me again! I can't believe I fell for this! I let him drag me back into depression and he pulls this on me. Go on, leave, I will not do this again. By the way, this is EXACTLY how I feel, yet again:

I don't even want to road trip anymore.

I guess I will go to bed now, nothing better to do.


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