Monday, June 13, 2005

"Making Love in the Green Grass. . ."

I can only think of something that a friend of mine told me on a plane ride once, "we used to roll around for hours!" It was of course, in regards to sex.

Well, I have made love. Deep down within my being right now, there it sits. I am completely owned by this love, this commitment I have made wanting only to be with one man for the rest of my life.

Many have considered me stupid or foolish for the decisions I have made within the last week, but which is worse, being to quick too make a decision, or waiting to make one and allowing opportunity to slip me by. I tell you this now, I know what I want from life, and I know who I want my life to be spent with, I have known for years now, but have not been on my way until now.

I have known since before I could read that I wanted to be a dentist, but only now am I getting close to that goal. 18 years of waiting, I know that the good things are worth waiting for, but is it wise for me to undeclare a major when I know exactly what I want to do? No, it is not wise. So I will declare the things I know for certainty and I really do not care if you all do not feel the same.

What good are you if you do not trust that I will be safe? Have I not been safe in all my other decisions? Have I not been steadfast in them?

I am really happy right now, I just wish that many of you could feel the same.

Update on my love life:
Ryan is ok with me. We are still going to be friends.

Matthew is coming over in about five minutes, we are going to the zoo later today. He is going to come see my over Labor Day Weekend in Omaha, NE. I'm really pumped.

I love all you guys. I hope that we will still be friends in the end.


Blogger C said...

I'm glad to hear of this new decision you've mad. I hope you stick with it, because one day you will be so thankful you did. One thing I do to make sure temptation does not become too much is simply think about my future husband, as if he could see what I was about to do. It's really a mood-killer, but whatever works. I wish you best of luck with this, sorry I haven't read lately, I am still here. Barely. Again, congrats hon!

3:01 AM  

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