Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Weeping White Lilies

How can you continue to let me die?
How can you call yourself my best-friend?
How can you smile when I cry?
How can you call me your darling?
How can you let me starve while you feast tonight?
How can you try and make me feel guilty for what happened to us?
How can you hate reading so much?
How can you be so similar to me and not understand at all?
How can you let me cut these veins?
How can you leave me in my pain after everything I did for you?
How can you sleep knowing you tore my world to nothing?
How can you live knowing that you used me, whored me for your demented purposes?
How can you breath now that you stand on my chest?
How can you kick me when I am down?
How can you think I am all right?
How could you rip out my still beating heart and eat it before me?
How could you beat me, bruise me to no end?
How could you sit beside me and laugh at Hamlet with Phil as I cried my eyes out?
How could you brush off the note? (For God's sake, I told you, in writing, how I wanted to die!)
How could you? Honestly,
How could you?
How could you leave me in the well alone?
How could you step on my head to escape and not throw an arm over to lift me out of this hole?
How could you be so selfish?
How could you be so thickheaded, to think you are the only one who needed help?
How could you say you loved me?
How could you lie with smooth words to my ears and stab me with your actions?
How could you leave the ONE time I really needed you?
How could you lower yourself to the excuse "I don't know what to do"?
How could you act like you were sympathetic about my Mom?
How could you let me die?

How could you?


Blogger Buttercup and JOHN-43 said...

nice post, :)))))

6:26 PM  
Blogger Buttercup and JOHN-43 said...

nice post, :)))))

6:26 PM  

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