Saturday, March 26, 2005

From Disneyland

Number of times my Dad has called me a liar: 2
Number of times my Dad has said I do not know what love is: 3
Number of times my Dad has lectured me on my grades at school: 90
Number of times Dominic has interrupted my Dad's lecture to tell me how much he hates me: aprox. 94
Number of times I have wished I could go to my own room and escape their unnecessary noise and aggravation: A HELL OF A LOT.

But I am having fun anyone. Disney is amazingly good at what they do, and it captivates me to try and even comprehend the massive number of details they have to look at the do what they do.

With that I must go.

But I will leave with a teaser for the next time I write:
I saw what, in my humble opinion, can only be described as the most perfect human being of my life. He was amazing. In addition, I know that I was not attracted to him, but just in awe of his perfection. Do you want to know why I can tell it was not attraction? Because when I am attracted to someone the first thing I notice about a person is their smile, but I did not even see his until later. It was simply his being, the way he carried himself, I will have to explain it later.

OH! Before I go, this park has made me realize something important about myself, I want to have children. I want to hold their hand as we walk down Disney's Main Street. I want to take them to the park, teach them to ride bikes and read, I want kids and all the responsibilities that come with them.


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