Friday, April 01, 2005


Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is coming the theatres soon, and like any die-hard Douglas Adams fan who hates the idea of a movie being made of a great book and ruining it for those that would purchase it and read it, I will be there opening day, spouting all the differences between the movie and the book. (Aka, April 29th). In addition, I will probably dress like one of the characters in support of the BOOK not the movie. Most likely, I will be confused for a Douglas Adams fan who supports the film, but no matter, screw the ignorant.

So today I had decided that my blog entry was going to be a complaint about how I am continually surrounded by unhappy people who never do anything to better their situation and just insist on complaining about it. However, I decided to live by my own rules and change my situation. Things I am doing to improve my sorry slot in life are as follows:
-Hanging out with more positive people in order to keep myself afloat.
-Giving up on someone else being there to support me. I am destined to stand independently and suffer alone, I get that now. The consequence of this particular change in attitude is that I am losing my ability to feel love, again, because there is no reason for me to believe that others love me as I love them, and even if they did, how does that profit me? It doesn't, because no one does anything about those that they care about.
-Working hard toward my career, (which means little to nothing to me, but I have nothing better to do or care about, so I will work on it for now).
-Give up on Sex. It is a stupid physical pleasure that I cannot receive any time in the near future, and since I no longer masturbate, I will not be getting off anytime soon. Therefore, I should stop thinking about it and get over it.
-Run more in an effort to reduce stress and increase my physical well-being. In addition, it helps me drink more water and look better for when I am famous.
-Listen, even more than before, and support the people I care about even when they are being stupid.

So that about sums it up. By the time I am finished with the above steps, I will have become a cold, unfeeling, prudent, overly-indepedent, career-oriented, beautiful yet cocky, bitch.

Ah, what this world can do for those who really try and work hard. . .(sarcasm for those that did not catch on). I hate life, and I hate the fact that I face the day alone, but I only have myself. I have had only myself for the majority of my life. Perhaps I will start drinking again, that seemed to help for a long time.

I guess you caught me, I am in a really bad mood, but I cannot escape my mother. Sometimes I feel like Sophie from Carnivale, I turn the corner and there 'Mama' is. Fuck life, Fuck God, fuck existence, I am going to bed.

I hope you all find a better plan that actually gets you what you want versus just keeping you safe.

Oops, I guess I complained a little bit after all. Oh well, not like me being a liar is any new thing.


Blogger C said...

Hey girl! I like this new plan, great idea! Keep up with it hmm? I run every day and it's just so great. Exercise releases endorphins so it will help cheer you up as well! Good luck, hon!

5:06 PM  

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