Monday, January 17, 2005

Blue Tongue

Each word we swear, each syllable we utter, means something to someone, somewhere. The knowledge we impart on others, the impact we make, makes more of a difference than we will ever be able to make ourselves understand. I hold my own emotions in captivity tonight. I am tired of being what you want, I just want to be me, I just want to be free.

The more I look, the more numb I get because my efforts no longer matter. Blue tongue, blood no longer runs and I cannot feel, like rubber in my mouth, it does not matter what I say. You will hear only what you want to.

Ignorance, blinding love, takes us from the people we want to be, to the people we become. Who has ever met the person they desired of themselves?

The greats look at themselves and see inadequacy,
the mediocre looks at themselves and see only their mediocrity.
The lazy never bother to look.

What are we if we are never what we should be? We fail with each breath. Each step takes us further from the path of righteousness. I am long on my journey to defeat, and I grow weary of walking. I know you watch me tonight, so I force my legs forward.

" I don't want to be preceived the way I am,
I just want to be perceived the way I am"

Relient K's nonsensical phrasing makes sense only to those that have already felt their words ring true in their life.


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